Mount a GlusterFS volume


1. Install glusterfs-clien if its not already installed

2. Add the glusterfs mount information in /ets/fstab

3. Reload fstab

4. Check the mounted GlusterFS volume

[root@hostname ~]# yum install glusterfs-client

[root@hostname ~]# rpm -qa|grep glusterfs-client


Add the glusterfs mount information in /ets/fstab and save it

[root@hostname ~]# vi /etc/fstab

[HOST]:/[VOLUME] /[MOUNT] glusterfs defaults,_netdev 0 0

Example :

storage1:/dbasharedvol /mnt/dbasharedvol glusterfs defaults,_netdev 0 0

Reload fstab:

[root@hostname ~]# mount –a

[root@hostname ~]# df -kh|grep /mnt/dbasharedvol

900G 620G 281G 69% /mnt/dbasharedvol