How to use Perflook in Teradata
The perflook script is a tool used to analyze performance behavior of Teradata at the current time.
When to use perflook:
The database appears slow or hung: Teradata users are not able to log on to the database, queries are not returning, but you can still access TPA nodes.
Queries are running much slower than normal. For example, queries that normally run in minutes are now taking hours.
If you see messages like “hot amp,” “high CPU usage,” or “high disk I/O” from Viewpoint system monitor.
How to use Perflook:
# /opt/teradata/gsctools/bin/perflook
2018-07-09 13:29:05 - Running /opt/teradata/gsctools/bin/perflook version #
2018-07-09 13:29:06 - Running node level collects
2018-07-09 13:29:49 - Running some automated checks for commonly known performance problems
Archive and compressing perflook.2018-07-09-1329_1-1 files for downloading...
/var/opt/teradata/gsctools/perflook/ is ready to download.
2018-07-09 13:29:49 - Finished...
The zipped output file is created in the following directory:
If the database appears hung, perflook may also hang. In this case, use the -d option:
# /opt/teradata/gsctools/bin/perflook -d
Options in Perflook:
-h Print help usage information and exit.
-v Print script version and exit.
Used when perflook is called from another script (ex: canary query),
this option is used as a headless option.
-l Enable long verbose mode; stores additional ouput of collected in
file puma.TAXlll.
-m Enable memory dumps mode; stores additional output of collected data
in files, mm-c and prgtrace.txt.
-d disables collection of output from database utilities, including
qrysessn and showlocks
-s Single/Same one node information gathering only Overrides any
supplied list of <nodes>
-t Enable stacktraces capture. The output of 'puma -B' is collected.
WARNING: Running puma -B can cause a severe impact on system
-B Enable stacktraces capture. The output of 'puma -B' is collected.
WARNING: Running puma -B can cause a severe impact on system
An optional comma-separated list of bynet nodes, if not specified
data is collected from all nodes on the bynet.
Note: With the -l and/or -m options the output can be huge, these
options are not recommended on large sites unless <nodes> list is
also provided to narrow the collection scope. <nodes> must be the
last argument on the command line.