Find out currently running queries in teradata using SQL instead of viewpoint
Step 1: Obtain Input values for MonitorSQLText() from MonitorSession() for active session
SELECT hostid,sessionno,runvprocno,logontime,username,ReqStartTime FROM TABLE(MonitorSession {HostID}, {UserName}, {SessionNo})) AS T2 where AMPSTATE ='ACTIVE';
HostID of -1 will include all hosts
UserName of '*' will include all users
SessionNo of 0 includes all sessions
SELECT hostid,sessionno,runvprocno,logontime,username,ReqStartTime FROM TABLE(MonitorSession(-1, 'PR_TAS_ETL', 0)) AS T2 where AMPSTATE ='ACTIVE';
Step 2: Obtain SQLText for the Session you are interested in
FROM TABLE (MonitorSQLText({HostID}, {SessionNo}, {RunVprocNo})) AS T2;
Use the HostID, SessionNo, RunVprocNo from the first step.
SELECT * FROM TABLE (MonitorSQLText(1, 50684229, 30716)) AS T2;