Enable Analytical Extensions/NPATH and SESSIONIZE in Teradata

SMP001-01:~ # dbscontrol


| | |

| ___ __ ____ | ____ __|__ ____

| / |/ \ ____| ____| ____| | ____|

| --- | / | / | / | | / |

| \___ | \____| \____| \____| |__ \____|

Release Version

DBSControl Utility (Dec 99)

The current DBS Control GDO has been read.

Enter a command, HELP, or QUIT:

mod systemfe=T

The SystemFE field has been modified from FALSE to TRUE.

WARNING: Running DBSControl in SystemFE mode may result in

inconsistent system behavior!

Are you sure you want to do this (Y/N)?


Enter a command, HELP, or QUIT:





314. AnalyticsExtensionsPurchased = FALSE



Enter a command, HELP, or QUIT:

modify internal = true

The Internal field has been modified from FALSE to TRUE.

Enter a command, HELP, or QUIT:

modify internal 314 = true

The AnalyticsExtensionsPurchased field has been modified from FALSE to TRUE.

NOTE: This change will become effective after the DBS Control Record

has been written.

Enter a command, HELP, or QUIT:

modify internal = false

The Internal field has been modified from TRUE to FALSE.

Enter a command, HELP, or QUIT:

mod systemfe=F

The SystemFE field has been modified from TRUE to FALSE.

Enter a command, HELP, or QUIT:


Locking the DBS Control GDO...

Updating the DBS Control GDO...

Enter a command, HELP, or QUIT:


Exiting DBSControl...

SMP001-01:~ # cnsterm 6

Attempting to connect to CNS...Completed.


Input Supervisor Command:

> start dip

start dip

Started 'dip' in window 1

at Fri May 25 10:04:36 2018

Input Supervisor Command:

> ^C

SMP001-01:~ # cnsterm 1


| | |

| ___ __ ____ | ____ __|__ ____

| / |/ \ ____| ____| ____| | ____|

| --- | / | / | / | | / |

| \___ | \____| \____| \____| |__ \____|

Release Version

DIP Utility (Jul 13)

Type the password for user DBC or press the Enter key to quit:

Type the password for user DBC or press the Enter key to quit:

> DBCPassword


*** Logon successfully completed.

Select one of the following DIP SQL scripts to execute:

(Press the Enter key to quit)

1. DIPERR - Error Messages

2. DIPDB - System Databases


4. DIPRSS - ResUsage Tables

5. DIPVIEWS - Legacy System Views

6. DIPVIEWSV - Unicode System Views

7. DIPACR - Access Rights

8. DIPSYSFNC - System Functions

9. DIPRUM - ResUsage Views/Macros

10. DIPOLH - Online Help

11. DIPSYSFE - System FE Macros

12. DIPCRASH - CrashDumps Database

13. DIPCCS - Client Character Sets

14. DIPOCES - Cost Profiles

15. DIPPWRSTNS - Password Restrictions

16. DIPUDT - UDT Macros

17. DIPARR - ArrayVec Data Type

18. DIPGEO - Geospatial Data Type

19. DIPXML - XML Data Type

20. DIPJSON - JSON Data Type

21. DIPAEXT - Analytical Extensions

22. DIPCAL - Calendar Tables/Views

23. DIPSQLJ - SQLJ Views/Procedures

24. DIPSYSUIF - SYSUIF Views/Procedures

25. DIPJDBC - JDBC Functions

26. DIPRCO - Reconfig

27. DIPSTATS - Automated Stats Mgmt

28. DIPBAR - BAR Databases/Views

29. DIPPOST - Post commands

32. DIPTDWM - TDWM Configuration

33. DIPANSI - ANSI Functions

34. DIPALL - All of the above

35. DIPMIG - Scripts for Migration

36. DIPPDCR - PDCR Tables/Views

37. DIPACC - Access Logging

38. DIPPATCH - Stand-alone patches

40. DIPRTBLOP - R Table Operator

> 21


Executing DIPAEXT at Fri May 25 10:07:10 2018

Please wait...

DIPAEXT is complete at Fri May 25 10:07:10 2018

Please review the results in /var/opt/teradata/tdtemp/dip21.txt on node 1- 1

Would you like to execute another DIP script (Y/N)?

> N


Exiting DIP...


SMP001-01:~ #

The dip script creates the following functions:



This function has been removed from dbscontrol and is now enabled by default in TD16.20