Delete Snapshot failing with snap-xxxxxxxx The snapshot snap-xxxxxxxx is currently in use by ami-xxxxxxxx

In that blog we will show how to fix the Delete Snapshot that failing for the error snap-xxxxxxxx The Snapshot snap-xxxxxxxx is is currently in use by ami- xxxxxxxx.

If the following picture when I tried to delete a snapshot it showing me the error. The reason for the error is the snapshot is associated with an AMI ami-aa1194c9. Copy the name of the AMI

From IMAGES-AMIs in EC2 Dashboard, you can search the copied AMI.

Until you dont Derister the AMI you will not be delete the snapshot associate with the AMI. If the AMI is not used Deregister the AMI. Right click the AMI and click "Deregister"

Click "Continue"

Now you should be able to delete the Snapshot from ELASTIC BLOCK STORE->Snapshots. Select the Snampsot and click Actions->Delete

Click "Yes, Delete"