An Oracle objects that allows one to store related rows from different tables in the same data block. A cluster can contain a maximum of 32 tables.
SQL> create cluster teacher_student(t_id number)
tablespace users;
Cluster created.
SQL> create index teacher_student_ind on cluster teacher_student;
Index created.
SQL> create table teacher(t_id number,t_name varchar2(10),room number)
cluster teacher_student(t_id);
Table created.
SQL> create table student(s_id number,s_name varchar2(10),t_id number)
cluster teacher_student(t_id);
Table created.
SQL> select object_name,object_type
from user_objects
where object_name='TEACHER_STuDENT';
no rows selected
SQL> column object_name format a25
SQL> column object_type format a25
SQL> select object_name,object_type
from user_objects
where object_name='TEACHER_STUDENT';
--------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
Giving Creating Cluster Permission to another User:
SQL> grant create cluster to scott;
Grant succeeded.